Become a Wealth Agent TM

& Grow Your Business as a Real Estate Authority

What if you had the knowledge and skills to help yourself and the people you know and meet build a better life, retire with less money invested, and get on the path to becoming financially independent by investing in real estate?


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Change Lives

& Your Business Growth Trajectory

What if you had the knowledge and skills to help the people you meet build a better life, retire with less money invested, and get on the path to becoming financially independent?

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How to Differentiate Yourself

Dare to be different! Now more than ever before real estate professionals need to stand out from all the other agents in the marketplace by demonstrating their value and differentiating themselves as authorities and real estate experts. This training will help you stand out as a knowledgeable authority on all things related to real estate.

Its Easier Than You Think!

In this self-directed learning program, you easily grow your credibility, authority and cultivate a financially rewarding Relationship Farm as a real estate expert by comparing actual historical results of real estate investing versus stock investing. We make this very simple and very easy for you and your clients by offering illustrative handouts that explain themselves.

Simple Truths, Simple System

If you are not familiar with real estate investing or stock investing – that is OK! We make learning very simple and very easy by having single learning points that build on each other. You will be able to create a real estate practice by becoming a known real estate authority. Once you complete the Ultimate Agent training program and agree to the terms of use, you can call yourself a Wealth Agent™.



Sign up for the course and gain access to Ultimate Agent’s exclusive content and marketing materials.



Complete the course and become a Wealth Agent™. Teach prosperity through real estate investing for the future.



Build your reputation as a real estate authority and open the door to real estate investment strategies for retirement.


Transform Your Business Into a Real Estate Practice

This course can help you elevate yourself by creating a real estate practice where you can share valuable retirement planning informational PDF handouts/mailouts and a booklet of real value to your family, friends and prospects that make you stand out as a real estate authority and real estate investing expert advisor.


Build your real estate practice as an authority with our step-by-step action plan.


Demonstrate your value as a real estate expert by sharing our PDF handouts.


Clarify how difficult it is for stock investors to save enough cash to sustain their lifestyle in retirement


Explain how true wealth and cash flow can be created with real estate investments.

Ultimate Agent Course Overview

After you complete this training, you become a Wealth Agent™ which will elevate your stature as an experienced knowledgeable real estate professional and authority where you can advise people how they can retire early with less money invested.




Enjoy increased success and career satisfaction by creating a real estate practice. This course offers the information, PDF handouts, a custom booklet, scripts, and strategies to advise everyone you know and meet how to build a better life by becoming a real estate investor.

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Build increased success and satisfaction in your real estate career! Only Ultimate Agent Master Your Relationship Farm in 90 Days or Less offers these tools, dialogues, strategies, and information. Be the first to share this valuable information with everyone you know and meet.


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